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You must signup to place ads, reply to ads or advertise with a text banner. Signup only takes a few minutes. A valid email address is required. The following account types are available:

  • Classic Account - Free account after $5.99 signup fee.
  • Pro Account - $9.99/month paid quarterly ($29.97)

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  • Place New Ad

    Placing an ad on the VCI Classifieds is easy. Our method of placing ads allows you to upload images to your private image library so the images can be used with several ads. This method allows you to upload your image once but use that image with multiple ads.

    1. Upload Images - The first step to placing an ad is to upload your images.
      1. Click "Dashboard" across the top and then "My Images"
      2. Click the "Upload Images" tab
      3. Click the Browse button and select the image(s) on your computer. Some browsers, like Firefox and Google Chrome allow you to select multiple files to upload.
      4. Click the Upload button to upload the selected images

    2. Place Ad - The last step is to place the ad. The options vary slightly depending on your account. Click "Dashboard" across the top, "My Ads" and then "Place New Ad"
      1. Classic Users -
        1. Select the appropriate category for your ad
        2. Enter a brief title for your ad
        3. If you are selling an item, enter the asking price
        4. The Auto Expire option allow you to set a date for your ad to be automatically deleted. This is typically used for Events or Yard Sale ads
        5. The Attention Getter is optional. If you would like to add an "Attention Getter" to your ad select one. You will be allowed to pay for it after you've place the ad
        6. "Email me a copy" - This option allows you to receive notification via email that your ad was placed. If you prefer not to receive the email then uncheck this box
        7. In the big white box enter the details of your ad
        8. Three images are allowed. If you have images to attach to the ad select them next. The "Primary Image" is the image that will be used as the thumbnail in the list of ads. The other images you select will be attached to the ad at the bottom
      2. Pro Users - Includes all the Classic user options above plus these
        1. "Mode" - Two modes are available. The default is "Visual Mode". This mode allows you to create ads using rich text. With this mode you can using features like bold, italic, color change font and font size, and many other optioons. HTML mode is typically used to either enter a plain text ad or edit the HTML of a rich text ad
        2. Nine images are allowed. If you have images to attach to the ad select them next. The "Primary Image" is the image that will be used as the thumbnail in the list of ads. The other images you select will be attached to the ad at the bottom

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